Visit to Afyonkarahisar Governor Mrs. Kübra GÜRAN YİĞİTBAŞI The Future of Health Tourism was discussed

Haberi Paylaş

USHAŞ visited the Governor of Afyonkarahisar, Mrs. Kübra GÜRAN YİĞİTBAŞI, in her office and held talks on the health tourism potential of Afyonkarahisar and the development of its current situation.




During the visit, the steps that can be taken to highlight the strengths of the region in the field of thermal tourism and to effectively utilize this potential were discussed. In addition to thermal tourism, ideas were exchanged on possible collaborations and projects for the development of medical tourism activities.


Mr. Behlül ÜNVER, General Manager of USHAŞ, emphasized Türkiye’s determination to share its experience in the field of health services in the international arena and stated that USHAŞ is always open to cooperation in projects such as Afyonkarahisar Health Industrial Zone.


The visit ended with a productive meeting where Afyonkarahisar’s strategic goals in the field of health tourism and sectoral cooperation opportunities were discussed.


Visit to Afyonkarahisar Governor Mrs. Kübra GÜRAN YİĞİTBAŞI The Future of Health Tourism was discussed