USHAŞ visited and held a meeting with Mr. Saman BERZENCI, Minister of Health of KRG. During the meeting, Türkiye’s international achievements in the field of health and health tourism between the two countries through the “HealthTürkiye” brand, cooperation opportunities and future joint projects were discussed in detail.
Mr. Behlül ÜNVER emphasized the role of USHAŞ as the institution that supervises and regulates Türkiye’s health tourism and stated that concrete cooperation in the field of health should be developed with the KRG. He also emphasized the importance of signing a memorandum of understanding for health tourism between Türkiye and the KRG.
The establishment of a joint hospital between the two countries, exchange of health professionals and cooperation on digital health systems were also discussed. Mr. Saman BERZENCI stated that the strong health relations with Türkiye will continue and cooperation should deepen.