Training Took Place for Technical Capacity Improvement of Intermediary Health Tourism Companies!

Haberi Paylaş

The Training on Improving the Technical Capacity of Health Tourism Intermediary Institutions” which was supported by Ankara Development Agency, The Health Diplomacy Association and the Ministry of Industry and Technology,  took place with the cooperation of the Ministry of Trade and USHAŞ. General Director of USHAŞ, Mehmet Ali Kılıçkaya, contributed to the program with his speech and presentation.

In this training where public and private sector representatives come together, the objectives and examples of good practices in health tourism, promotion and marketing activities, insurance systems, relations between health facilities and intermediary institutions, state supports and law&ethics in health tourism were covered.

In addition, views were exchanged on many issues, especially health tourism activities in our country, the place of the public and private sectors in health tourism, the contribution of intermediary institutions to the health tourism activities, and the impact of institutions and organizations that shape the health tourism, such as USHAŞ, on the sector.