USHAŞ made comprehensive evaluations on health tourism, MHRS processes and birth rates at the meeting held in Nevşehir in order to reinforce Türkiye’s leading position in the field of health tourism and increase the effectiveness of health services. The meeting hosted by Nevşehir Provincial Directorate of Health was attended by Nevşehir Provincial Directorate of Health Mr. Op. Dr. Hasan TARTAR, General Director of Health Promotion Mr. Assoc. Dr. Muhammed ATAK, Field Chief Coordinator of the Ministry of Health Mr. Osman AÇIKGÖZ and chief physicians of hospitals in the region.
Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Behlül ÜNVER, General Manager of USHAŞ, drew attention to Türkiye’s global success in the field of health tourism and gave information about USHAŞ’s activities in this field. He shared the steps to be taken for Nevşehir to reach a more effective position in health tourism and emphasized the importance of cooperation with health institutions in the region.
During the meeting, the economic and social contributions of health tourism to Nevşehir were evaluated and the strategies to be followed for hospitals to play a more effective role in this field were discussed.