Announcement on the Authorization of the Intermediary Institutions in International Health Tourism!

Haberi Paylaş

As it is known, in accordance with the provisions of Annex 2 of the Decree Law No. 663 on Certain Regulations in the Field of Health, USHAŞ has been assigned to issue authorization certificates to institutions that act as intermediaries in the field of international health services.


Effective as of 05/06/2021, within the framework of the aforementioned legal regulation, the works and procedures regarding the authorization of intermediary institutions that will operate in the field of international health services, currently carried out under the responsibility of the General Directorate of Health Services of the Ministry of Health, is transferred to our Company.


In this context, applications for authorization that were submitted before the specified date will be finalized by the General Directorate of Health Services of the Ministry of Health, and applications will be submitted to our Company as of 05.06.2021. Pre-applications will be received on the USHAŞ website, and the process and its updates can be followed on the website.


According to the Regulation on International Health Tourism and Tourist Health published in the Official Gazette dated 13/07/2017 and numbered 30123, the authorization certificates of the intermediaries holding the “International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate” are still valid, and their follow-up will be carried out under the responsibility of our Company.

Kindly submitted for your information.