Afyonkarahisar Health Tourism Strengthens Under the Guidance of USHAŞ

Haberi Paylaş

USHAŞ continues its contacts to strengthen Türkiye’s international vision in the field of health tourism. In this context, USHAŞ General Manager Mr. Behlül ÜNVER and Afyonkarahisar Provincial Health Director Mr. Serhat KORKMAZ held a meeting to evaluate the potential of Afyonkarahisar as a health region and to discuss cooperation opportunities in the field of health tourism.


During the meeting, ideas were exchanged on the integration of the health region in Afyonkarahisar into international patient admission processes, infrastructure strengthening works and determining health tourism strategies under the guidance of USHAŞ.


While USHAŞ continues its efforts to strengthen its collaborations in the field of health tourism, it will continue its close contacts with the relevant stakeholders in order to make Afyonkarahisar more effective in the international arena as a health region.


Afyonkarahisar Health Tourism Strengthens Under the Guidance of USHAŞ